ASK AND YOU shall receive

After I passed the board exams, I decided to work as a community doctor. My first assignment was in Kalumbuyan Community Primary Hospital in Negros Oriental.

Every February 14, valentines day, it has been a tradition in the community to hold a Mr and Mrs Kalumbuyan contest and I was invited as a speaker on one occasion.

Being asked to be the main guest and speaker brought so much anxiety in me. I was just a fresh board passer who decided to go into community solely for the envisioned adventure of working in a far flung area and had absolutely, ABSOLUTELY, no ambition or talent in public speaking.

Unfortunately, I could not say no to the barangay captain who invited me. Aside from being very supportive to the hospital, he was also responsible for the sacks of either long grained rice or malagkit I brought home every month.

When I confessed my fear of public speaking to our in house barangay health worker, she told me, " Kaya na nimo doc, Bisaya lang bitaw". And that removed my anxiety... and replaced it with panic. Sheer unadulterated PANIC.

It's not that I was proficient in English, but certainly I was more comfortable speaking Uncle Sam's language than Lapu-Lapu's.

The days passed with me hoping that the event will not push through or that Kap will tell me that they've invited somebody else. But the signs I was looking for were not there. I saw the principal instructing her students to decorate the stage, a group of middle aged ladies chattering excitedly about the dresses they had made for the event and a contestant borrowing our staff's Macarena cassette. To clinch my fate, Kap gave me a typewritten invitation with my name clearly assigned as guest speaker.

But the optimist in me just wont settle down. The event was to be held in an open auditorium. The organizers were in harmony, the contestants were prepared so it seemed that the only way the event will not push through is if it rains. And so, ever determined to redefine my fate, I prayed. I PRAYED FOR RAIN.

I was awakened on the day of the event by the cheerful "titilaok" (cuckledodoo) of the in house cock. Not a good sign. When I went out, I was greeted by a clear blue sky and bright sun conspiring to mock me. Definitely, not good signs. Nevertheless, I still prayed. If Jesus can turn water into wine, certainly he can make rain.

Afternoon came and there was absolutely no sign of rain. Not even a single cloud was in sight. And so, I began to accept my fate and started to formulate my speech revolving on love.

Then evening came. The stars, in complete attendance, were gazing the dark sky. In a different circumstance, that would have been very romantic but at that time, I only saw the stars conniving to light my way towards my doom.

It was a long walk from the hospital to the venue but it was made longer by the butterflies in my stomach and my foolishness to wear heels on a coarse stony road.

Completely abandoning any hope of rain and completely accepting the inevitable, I started to polish my speech in my head. " Pagsalig, Paglaom, ug paghigugma, pero ang pinaka importante ang paghigugma" ( faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love) which I thought was befitting for valentines.

Then I heard my name called. I have no recollection of what happened prior to that because I was completely absorbed with my so called "speech". I made my way up the stage, paused before the mike to gather some courage, and said "Maayong gabi-i sa inyo tanan!"(Good evening to all). AND THEN IT HAPPENED ...

They came in trickles but not for long. Soon they became large drops of water eventually escalating into a torrential rain. It came so suddenly. I saw the audience scampering all over seeking shelter. Somebody rushed to my side to place an umbrella over my head. Since the mike was still on and I was at this time already determined to complete my speech, I continued. Then the thunder came. Evidently, with the rain and thunder, nobody cared for my speech except for me.

So who said God has no sense of humor? I asked for rain and he gave it to me. With perfect timing.


ness said…
Geen! Nalingaw kaayo ko sa imo story. Thrilling kaayo. And I had a good laugh at the end. Hope to read more stories here in your weblog.
Dr. M.C.N.V. said…
Geen, check this out:
Anonymous said…
Doc mawala pod lamang ning ka homesick naku deri makalingaw ning imo story.segi naku balik balik og basa.
i like your blog so much doc geen.