Saying Goodbye Is The Hardest Thing To Do

A friend shared to me her heartaches and frustrations about her boyfriend early this morning after they both agreed to a cool-off.

Love is intricate and the phase before the end of every relationship appears to be the most arduous for the mind and the heart.

Irregardless of the circumstances behind, someone at the PRE-DEPARTURE area ( my description of the "cool off" phase ) either has:

a. Her heart wanting her to stay but her mind instructing her to let go, OR ...
b. Her mind telling her to hold on but her heart wants to move on.

Sometimes we prefer to stay at the pre-departure area, grumbling and complaining, afraid to make the decision to either depart or cancel the "flight". 

Nobody wants to face the consequences of a  "bad" decision which, in the context of relationships, means losing the person perfect for you while you were clueless!

After ventilating out her grievances, my friend told me, " I am so tired doc! I'd rather be a spinster! "

" Being a spinster is a calling, " I countered.  " Even if you want to be one, if you are not meant to be one, then you will never be one! "

" Spinsterhood is not just for anybody.  It is only for the woman set aside by God as his own chick.", I said. 

And it is my privilege to be one of the chosen few.

If you are now at the "pre-departure" area of  your relationship, always include God in your decision making.

He knows best to whom He wants to share you with and if He does not, be proud. Of all women and men, you are the one He wants to keep... for himself and that deserves a big smile. : )


Larry Vincent said…
hahhaha this is nice maam. calling jud d i nimu na maam gen? :p
"I must learn to love the fool in me, the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries."

- Theodore Isaac Rubin
vivian hils said…
correct ka dyan check hangtod langit!! it's hard to be heart broken but as the saying goes ,
" it's better to have loved than not to have loved at all"...maulay na kung maulay basta considered chosen few...
gellybuns said…
open your heart and mind and you will see it is not too late.... hehehe. balik diri ging!
Geena said…
Being in a relationship requires a lot of effort but getting out of a relationship requires more. @vivian: nice hearing from you! Makulay ang buhay ng mga ulay! haha. @ Jinky: Welcome to the club?!? Haha
Anonymous said…
why a man can't keep a relationship all these years-continued lies, broken promises and hidden personal agenda.just words to ponder Doc.
Geena said…
Thanks Anonymous. Unfortunately, it is often the VICTIM of the continuous lies, broken promises and hidden personal agenda who has the most difficulty moving on. Being in an abusive relationship can leave someone too scared to be scarred again. The PERPETRATOR often has his moral fabric tainted too deeply that lying and using people becomes his second nature. Without an ounce of guilt in his soul, he can easily move on to the next girl willing to have him.
Anonymous said…
Well said Doc. A "perpetrator" is on a prowl once again - just a word of caution.
Anonymous said…
Spinsterhood is not a bad thing when the option is to be with an unfaithful person or a person who uses you to fulfill his own dream. Pick a decent man and not this one.
Anonymous said…
to anonymous: will you please describe this perpetrator further?
Anonymous said…
:-), listen to your gut instincts. Consider the advice given in a pay it forward context. One good deed before 2010 ends.
Geena said…
Thank you very much Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous and Anonymous. : ) The heart can deceive the mind and the mind can deceive the heart. But the soul is anchored on God. When the soul speaks, surely, the mind and heart will listen. Only God knows what is truly in another person's heart. Only God can truly protect.
Anonymous said…
Well said, Geen. Liza
Anonymous said…
From "2010: Closing Cycles"
Geena said…
Thank you for sharing the link. I love the article.