A Caterpillar With Wings

I was going through my things this afternoon and found a story which I wrote when I was a first year resident in Internal Medicine. I wrote this to remind myself not to deprecate my junior when I become a senior resident.

             A Caterpillar With Wings

Once upon a time, a caterpillar was slowly crawling his way up a branch to get to its tip and feed on the luscious leaves.

Although his body was scratched by the protruding barks, he persisted because he knew he needed to feed in order to become something more beautiful and free... a BUTTERFLY!

Fold, stretch, fold, stretch... slowly and painstakingly he made his way up.

Suddenly, a shadow befell upon him. Looking up, he saw a glorious butterfly...its wings were a remarkable combination of red, blue and gold. Flapping its beautiful wings, the butterfly flew into loops, spirals and circles above the mystified caterpillar.

" Someday, I am going to have wings as beautiful as that", the caterpillar muttered unconsciously.

Hearing the caterpillar, the butterfly haughtily remarked.

" I certainly doubt it sir! Although I was once a caterpillar like you, I was far more brilliant and adept! By this time, I was no longer crawling and feeding but weaving my beautiful cocoon. Look at you! You could not even crawl without getting scathed!"

Bowing his head, the caterpillar slowly turned away... hurt but not broken.

Everyday, he folded and stretched while the butterfly hovered above him mocking his efforts. Wanting of encouragement, he almost believed he will never become the beautiful butterfly he aspired to be. The butterfly's mocking words haunted him.

One day, he broke out of his cocoon.

The morning light fell on his wings... a gorgeous tapestry of colors!

Flip, flop, flip, flop... he flew... into loops, spirals and circles.

Flying high, he saw a butterfly crawling on a branch... too old and weary to fly. It's wings were torn and old but he remembered the green, blue and gold.

" Oh Mr Butterfly, don't you remember me? I was the lowly caterpillar whom you believed would never become the beautiful butterfly I turned out to be!"

The old butterfly looked up and a weary smile crossed his face,

" Enjoy your wings my dear friend. Fly high and see the world. But don't make the same mistake I did. Never see others as lower than you ... For a butterfly, my dear friend, is just a caterpillar with wings."
