Having problems does not give anyone the RIGHT to be understood when wrong, deceitful, manipulative, unloving and arrogant. Having problems is never an excuse for bad character.

Having problems does not excuse anyone from being ungrateful. Sincere help should never be viewed as if it is a fulfillment of an obligation but always a FAVOR and every favor. no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, must be remembered with gratitude.

All of us have problems but none is entitled to help. To think we DESERVE to be helped, makes us forget how to be appreciative when help is given.

Nobody owes us understanding. We can only hope to be understood. It is not right to blame anyone for not understanding. We can only evaluate honestly ourselves why we need to be understood.

It is not right to use our problems to cover for our shortcomings. 

It is said that we can only get what we give...to get understanding, we must first seek to understand.


tataphilip said…
Doc geen,

"Know Thyself" is one of the basic teachings in the Philosophy of Socrates. It is in knowing ourselves that we are able to get out from our shells and be with the community. We cannot give what we do not have. To understand and to love others is to understand and love ourselves first. Loving others is an expression of real love and I agree that it is not an obligation. It becomes an obligation if it is an act of work but when it is an expression of feelings, it is genuine love, a love that is anchored on the Love of God.

Best regards and tc,God Bless you Always.