Adam's Apple

" ...and  he is now supporting the girl's tuition and allowance!", she concluded teary-eyed. The hurt was evident beyond the tears.

It was while she was having her chemotherapy sessions that she first shared her suspicion about her Caucasian husband who appeared to be getting more aloof to her but extra friendly to a help in their restaurant. When she mentioned her observation to him, he dismissed it as silly.

In the subsequent months, her suspicion was heightened because of reports from friends who saw her husband together with the girl gallivanting around the island. She confronted the girl who denied everything.  Her husband accused her of being insecure and unreasonable.

The months that followed were filled with arguments as she caught him communicating with the girl several times. It was a very trying time for her as she had to deal with her cancer and the possibility of losing her husband but it was also at this time that she found peace with God.

To make the story short, her suspicions were irrefutably confirmed, they separated and is now in the process of amicably settling their properties.

" And the silliest thing about this doc is that I still love him", she said dryly.

" Have you tried going back to him?", I asked.

 She chuckled. " Although I have forgiven him doc, I can still remember what he did to me. Sometimes, I think that it was my fault having fallen short as a wife with one breast and being bald at that time.  "

" Does he have an Adam's apple Ma'am?"

"Doc?" the question  caught her off guard. " Adam's apple doc? Yes doc. Why do you ask?"

" According to the Bible Ma'am, in the Garden of Eden, there was a Tree of Knowledge of God and Evil. God specifically ordered Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from this tree but Eve took a fruit and ate it. She then gave the remaining fruit to Adam but before he could swallow the piece he bit off, God came and banned the two from the garden because of their disobedience. The piece of fruit got stuck in Adam's throat thus, the Adam's apple in male."

I looked at her face and saw that she was confused at what this story or specifically the Adam's apple has to do with her husband's infidelity.

" Ma'am, while Eve was able to swallow the whole piece of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam did not."

"Do not blame yourself Ma'am. Your husband did not know better because the knowledge of good and evil got stuck in his throat and he never digested it! "


Anonymous said…
Agree! He he he.

Anonymous said…
nice one doc....keep posting!

Julius Susana said…
Oh..It makes sense... Nice job, Geen.
Jercyl said…
hahaha...nice nice...
taweng said…
Anonymous said…
from the Book of Genesis:

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."

so even though Adam was not able to swallow the fruit of the tree of knowledge, men still rule over and are lusted by women smarter than ourselves. God is indeed good ;)
Anonymous said…
Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart.
Anonymous said…
not all men are the same though... many are still decent and loving (not all women are saints either). you just have to pray to God that you'll meet the right one for you.

"the world is full of trickery, but let this not blind you to what virtue there is. many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism."
Geena said…
Thanks for all your comments! Irregardless of sex or sexual preference, we are all human beings struggling to be more of a being than human. Unfortunately, it is difficult to be a HUMAN BEING, meaning a being in human form, and it is easier BEING HUMAN. Just playing with words...: )
Anonymous said…
as always doc, your writing sparks interest and emotion in your readers, which for me is the most important hallmark of being a good writer. i know your taking cooking lessons and i haven't tasted your cooking yet, but i think you'd excel in writing if you'd take it up as your second profession. i think i can smell a palanca award cooking in that brilliant mind of yours =)
Geena said…
I just realized that cooking and writing have their similarities. The acceptability of the product of both is highly dependent on TASTE. In cooking, the taste of the chef and the writing, the taste of the writer and the reader. Thank you Anonymous for sharing my taste! I have dropped out of culinary school but I think you'll like my boiled rice cooked in a rice cooker...:)