Breast Friends

The three of them entered my clinic with broad grins on their faces.

I met them a few days before. Miss J was referred to me for her breast cancer and her two cousins came along with her. They were a gregarious and jolly bunch and our first meeting was filled with outbursts of loud laughter! Because several of their kin had breast cancer the two cousins were understandably concerned. I advised them to have a screening mammography and a few additional tests done. 

My secretary gave me three charts. "They want to be seen together Doc, " she said.

I closed the door and  asked, "So, how are we going to do this ... according to height?"

They laughed. All three were less than 5 feet tall.  They unanimously agreed that I should see their cousin first who has breast cancer.

The first, Miss J, 54yo,  is single but with a child.
The second, Mrs R, 58 yo, is married and with children
The third, Mrs N,  53 yo is married but with no child.
The three were menopause.

 " How long did you try having a child, Ma'am N?", I was curious.

" Four years,doc" .

" Just four years?"

" That's because doc, she got married just four years ago! ", Mrs R butted in. And there was laughter.

Mrs N narrated that her husband was 9 years her junior when they got married.  They had their wedding during their town's fiesta celebration to save on the cost.

" I barely made it to the the last trip doc!"

" Why did you decide to get married? " She was already 48 yo at that time.

" Because she wanted to have a taste of IT !", Mrs R quipped. Laughter ensued.

Mrs N unabashedly retorted, " I did not want to grow old alone doc. I needed someone who will take care of me when I got old."

According to her, despite their big age difference, she and her husband get along very well.

" But is your husband fine with you not having children Ma'am N?"

" Yes doc. We raise pigs that serve as our children now."

Both of them were not open to adoption because of a family member's sad experience with their two adopted children.

" In a way, I guess pigs are better Ma'am N,." I kidded. "Because you can always sell them..."

When we all went out of the clinic, Miss A, who was also single was at the waiting area.

Miss A  had her right breast removed 3 years ago for breast cancer. Quite recently, she developed a pre-malignant growth on her left breast and she opted to have her remaining breast removed prophylactically.

" Look Miss A, Mrs N here got married at 48 yo!" I excitedly reported.

" I've already given up on that doc!", Miss A said laughing.

"Nobody offered marriage when I had two breasts, nobody offered when I had one breast, how much more now that I have no more breast!", Miss A clasped both of her hands over her chest wall.


And the talk turned green....


MAI said…
bwahahaha!!!! what a funny story...LOL..
You see doc, its never too late :D
Jercyl said…
Doki, you're way too young then for you to give up searching...toink...he may just be around the corner of....Pulantubig/Aldecoa Sts or event the streets of Milan...

you sure do put a smile on your patients' faces.

way to go Doc.
Geena said…
There is always a perfect timing for everything. Any door will open if the key fits!
Thanks Mai and Jers for your comments!