The Sperm Theory

I was having coffee one late afternoon with friends when our conversation came to relationships. Cognizant of the alarming rise in the incidence of divorce and last minute cancellations of seemingly perfect engagements, the question on what really makes a relationship work came forth.

"Everybody has a theory but nobody really knows for certain." I said, "Some would say, for example, that if you love someone, set her free. Others would say, to hang on. Now, who is right?"

DC, who is a contented husband and proud father agreed. "I think you have to know what matters most when choosing a lifetime partner. Physical attraction is fleeting. When beauty fades, and it will, because everybody gets old, what remains is your ability to talk and listen to each other."

Ahh. Go for the content not the package. 

CA, who is a gratified single lady butted in : "BUT if you are given the choice between someone who is unattractive but with a nice personality VERSUS someone, who has both, beauty and personality, you should go for the latter."

Ahh. Aim for the moon. Miss it and you still get the star!

"The competition will be stiff...very stiff if you go for that goal." I said. 

"BUT if you are chosen, you get the BEST prize!"

Ahh. The Sperm Theory!

"Sperm Theory?" DC asked.

During the process of fertilization, millions of sperms vie for one egg. Only one sperm gets the egg. The remaining are doomed to death. Even if the odds are slim, and death awaits those who fail, the sperms battle to become THE sperm. Being  the chosen one over millions is the ultimate prize for the sperm's ego!

Was it FATE or EFFORT that determined which sperm gets the egg?

Was the sperm DESTINED to fertilize the egg or did the sperm make it because of sheer skill, perseverance and perfect timing, lording it over the rest of the sperms?

If relationships are established by fate, two individuals destined to be together will find each other no matter how long, strenuous, crooked or steep the path is. To believe in fate is to recognize the existence of a "soulmate". Since the soul never ages, never wanes and fades, is the key to long lasting relationships then the finding of that one soul that your soul perfectly connects with?

Is the best recourse to wait until your "soulmate" finds you or until the "soulmate" you found realizes you are his/her? Is having FAITH in FATE the best strategy?

What if a sperm, not intended to be the "chosen" one, is willing to go up against the odds and with talent, determination, good planning and perseverance prevailed over insurmountable difficulties to reach that one egg BEFORE the chosen sperm, is the union sentenced to failure?

Indeed when it comes to relationships, theories abound about how things should be. Probably in the scheme of things, be it about relationships or not, our fate is determined by our effort... our destiny by our determination to make things the way it should be... including ending up with the person perfect for us.

When it comes to what makes a relationship last, John Legend summarizes it all...
" Everybody knows but nobody really knows..."
"Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knows..."


Anonymous said…
some great books about soulmates doc: "brida" by paulo coelho; "my name is memory" by ann brashares =)

in "brida", coelho believes that you can have more than one soulmate; while in "memory", there is always the ONE person who we are destined to be with in our past, present and future lives/reincarnations =)
Geena said…
Thank you for sharing! I am a fan of Coelho too.
Anonymous said…
i'm also a diehard coelho fan =) i read "veronika decides to die" in 2003 (still my favorite coelho book). got hooked to him eversince, probably because i identified with certain aspects of veronika's "brida" i found the possibility of having more than 1 soulmate intriguing. do you believe we can have more than one soulmate doc?
Geena said…
If God created only Adam and Eve and did not add a Mario or Maria, probably soulmates come only in pairs. So far, I have only seen a handful of couples who seem to understand each other intricately. Many understand each other because they choose too. The blissful couples understand each other simply because they do! Probably their connection is deeper than what is sensual or physical.
Anonymous said…
i also believe that do =). but in brida, coelho tries to answer this question: if God created only adam and eve (and thus only 2 souls for them), when they multiplied, where did all the souls for their progeny come from?

he proposes that a soul has to "procreate" also, such that it divides and thus produces its soulmate. the new soul, also has the capacity to divide, thus creates another soulmate. in effect, a single soul can have 2 soulmates =) since coelho has been married many times (5 times?), i guess it was just a convenient myth he invented to charm his wives =)
Anonymous said…
in "my name is memory", the protagonist (Daniel) has the ability to remember his past lives. there is also this girl (his soulmate) to whom he is inexplicably drawn to everytime he reincarnates. unfortunately, the girl (Sofia) does not remember him, and thus Daniel has to win her back everytime he is reborn =) bottomline, i guess we just inately want to be with someone who understand us and stays with us not just when we are sane and in our best behaviour, but even when we are insane, inane and illogical =)
Geena said…
Very true. Acceptance belongs to the list of the basic needs of man along with air, water, food and shelter. It is easier to find someone who'll love us for who we are than finding someone who'll love us for who we are not.Thank you anonymous for your wonderful thoughts.