Breaking the Ice

It was his first time to consult a doctor and his demeanor reflected his anxiety. He answered my queries timidly with eyes downcast.

He remained reserved throughout the examination process and my corny jokes failed to break the ice.

At the end, there were a couple of medications I wanted him to take and I listed these on three pages of my prescription pad.

"Take all these for at least three days, and if you do not feel better, please come back to me," I handed him the prescriptions.

"How should I take these prescriptions Doc?", he asked.

It was the first time he posted a question and I was happy that he was finally interacting!  

Making a last attempt to at least make him smile, I jested, "Fold each paper by four, cut them neatly and place each piece in a glass of water and  drink it."

He looked at me with eyes wide. 

"I AM JUST JOKING!" I laughed. "Smile pud uy!"

He managed a thin smile and said, "I am relieved doc. I was about to ask you if I can place them in orange juice instead because water is so bland."

