Beyond Understanding

She told me she was ready to die.

She has breast cancer which has spread to her liver and bones and,  without treatment, she was anticipating death to come soon.

" I have already done the job God has sent me to do and I am ready to be with Him," she said confidently.

If  the essence of a woman is pegged on bearing a child and taking care of a man, she never bore one and never became a wife. If a person is born to provide material comfort to the family and share to charity,  she can barely let ends meet for herself with her few goats as her only source of subsistence, let alone give to others. If as God's children we are suppose to come up with ideas and discoveries that can make a great impact in the world, she contends herself with taking care of her hut and farm animals.   

If our place in heaven is justified by our deeds or contribution to this world, what can she possibly claim or show to God when she meets Him?

" What was your job Madam?"

She paused for a moment. " You often tell me Doc that when you see me, I make you happy? Why?"

I can barely remember the first time she came to me but her regular visits in my clinic increasingly left an indelible mark. She had this peace and joy that resounds what is described in the Bible as " peace  that transcends all understanding".

How can a woman with cancer cells ravaging her body behave as though she just won the lotto every single time she came in.

"You exude peace and joy. Your presence assures me that God is more powerful than my woes. That is the reason why you make me happy," I told her.

She smiled at me. "I have no degree, no money, most of my relatives do not even know me! I have asked God many times what my purpose is in this world. What is my job Ginoo? " She laughed at the recollection.

" AND THEN I GOT CANCER. God opened not just doors but windows too! I was given courage. I was given opportunities.". She suddenly became serious and emotional. " My job is to teach people a little bit of how to live for God!  If I make you happy Doc and I increase your faith in God just by seeing me ... then I HAVE DONE MY JOB!

Sometimes we feel insignificant in the sight of many people making us ponder  why God has created us in the first place. We sometimes feel we need to do something great.

Many successful people will espouse that all our heart's desires will be given if we believe.

Was God really created to cater to our whims...our "heart's desires" such that if these are not given, we should feel less loved or pressured to do more to please Him?

Weren't we created instead to wait on God and to fulfill His plans? Isn't this the ONLY thing that we are suppose to do and need to do?

Like many of us, she lived most of her life not knowing her role but unlike many of us, in the last leg of her life, she fulfilled God's "job" for her. 
