Conversation with Johnny

"My grandfather was a very wise man doctor," he told me proudly.

John or Johnny is in his late 60s, an American with a thick southern accent who moved to the Philippines to find a "suitable" partner in his old age. He found what he was looking for in a 22 yo girl who takes care of his "needs", as a man and as a husband. He candidly described their relationship as commensalism since the girl, he claims, benefits too from his financial support.

When his sister learned of his marriage to a girl several decades his junior, she accused him of being a pervert, the girl a whore and refused to talk to him since then. This made him very sad since he and his sister were close. Despite the strain brought about by his marriage, he did not want to leave to appease his sister because he was happy with his young wife who doted on him.

I can sense the guilt in his voice and he looked at me as if waiting for a derogatory remark supporting his sister's opinion of him. When he did not receive any, he seemed to relax and told me the story of his grandfather.

"I was a young lad, 16 or 17 of age,  and I asked my grandfather, "Grandpa, what is your philosophy in life?" ....
My grandpa exclaimed, " Johnny, it is Mac and cheese!"
I thought my grandpa was crazy but he asked me to come closer and to listen carefully. He said, 
"Johnny, do you like Mac and cheese?"
I said, " Yes grandpa but what does that have anything to do with your life's philosophy?" 
My grandpa replied, " Everything Johnny. You see, YOU like Mac and Cheese. There are people who like it too but there are those who dont....Now Johnny, who is right?"

He paused quite dramatically probably to give me an opportunity to digest what he just narrated.

"You see doctor, my grandfather was a very wise man.", he reiterated.  " A lot of times in life, NOBODY is really right! We simply chose what we LIKE! Hey, I may like mac and cheese and you may not, but that does not mean I am a bad person, right? We just differ! "

I smiled and nodded in agreement.

" So doctor, before anything else, thank you for not judging me..." , he said, His voice cracked at the end.

" It s ok sir" , I replied. " I try not to judge people...just mac and cheese!"

He laughed and that started the series of interesting conversations with him.
