The World Is Flat

"I googled you." I told her after listening to her chest.

She asked her aides to help her sit up. Basic movements like sitting was getting more and more laborious for her. Her nursing aide adjusted her pillows to support her back. She fixed her nasal prong and after a long pause to regain her strength, she said, "You googled me?

"Yes I did and I saw your picture. You looked very ... regal. "  

In her picture, she was sitting on her desk, looking sharp in a business suit, with a pen on her hand and the Philippine flag on her back. Her face elucidating confidence.  She belonged to the upper echelon of a major agency of the government, famous and well-respected in her field. 

Her environment now is so different. Her hospital gown hanged loosely over her frail body battered with numerous tubes attached to it. In the past months she has lost considerable weight. Her eyes though still exuded that confidence that demanded respect. 

She casually dismissed this. She said the picture was taken a decade ago when she was still young and healthy. 

"The net is really amazing isn't it ma'am. A person can be IMMORTALIZED through the net. YOU will forever be in google."

 "Not really", she countered. " IF nobody searches you anymore, you simply become a link. "

"A link?"

"Yes, you will simply be link on a site.  That is how old data is stored and accessed.  And I guess in time, even the net will no longer remember you." she chuckled.

" Indeed, the world is not round", she continued.  It is 100% FLAT!!! " she burst.

"What do you mean? "

" Everything about us is just a mouse click away. Anyone can have access to your personal information...well...just about ANYTHING in the world  with just one click of a mouse!!! 
She pointed to her side table. " THEREFORE, the " WORLD"  NOW is as flat as the table where the computer mouse lies..." 

NOw that is an argument. 
