A Breast Story

She came to me with a fixed hard mass on her left breast and a story I often hear from women who seek consult only when their cancer is already in the advanced stage.

She felt the lump on her breast a few years back. It was still the size of a pea but since it was not bothering her, she opted not to have it checked. The lump grew in size. The possibility of breast cancer crossed her mind but she was too afraid to go to a doctor and have her suspicion confirmed. 

One morning, she heard over the radio a woman whose breast cancer was cured after taking an herbal tablet. Believing that this was God's answer to her prayers, she zealously took the medicines for months. She also decided to cut meat in her diet and loaded herself with vitamins and various anti-oxidants peddled to her. One afternoon, her nipple sloughed off and blood oozed out from the wound. By this time, her whole left breast has already been reduced to a mass of cancer cells.

She was already at least stage III and will need an operation, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The possibility of cure is improbable.

She is only 34 years old.

This story may leave us shaking our heads in contemptuous disbelief.

Why did she rely on advertised claims of cure missing out on her opportunity of being treated at an earlier stage when cure can be affected?

What is the government doing to curb the onslaught of advertisements claiming cure for cancer? 

How can the listeners determine verity of the testimonies they hear on the radio or see on TV?

How can we change the BREAST STORY from tragedy to that of faith, fortitude and inspiration?

The answer is likely EDUCATION.

Breast cancer cannot be prevented. But it can be detected early and EARLY breast cancer can be cured.

Please help us in our campaign for early detection. Please help us change the Breast Story.


Anonymous said…
The Government should be adamant in educating the public about breast cancer and to whom to go to if ever they suspect of having one. EARLY DETECTION can really save lives!!!